The Aum Shinrikyo facilities, based on their size, can not produce sarin

The Devil mocks Japan
Excerpts from the book Ariga Yuji "The Devil mocks Japan":

"If a poisonous gas that was used in the incident in the subway was not sarin, then the criminals - not AUM. And in the stories of victims, and in the transfer of the incident have been saying: "I was the smell of gas", "gas emitted a bad smell". However, sarin has no color, no smell".

"Kyle Olson, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Chemical and Biological Weapons, who came to Japan after sarin incidents writes: "The Aum Shinrikyo facilities, based on their size, can not produce sarin".

"In the incident with sarin no physical evidence linking the Aum Shinrikyo sarin and incidents. The single evidence is only a recognition of suspects in interrogation".

'In order to achieve its goals, the Masons drag in his camp of those who are engaged in sycophancy. And those who do not, ruthlessly exterminated. Because of this and the Aum Shinrikyo was subjected to attack".

Ariga Yuji