Tokyo subway -> Oklahoma bombing: "anything could be possible"

Sarah McClendon
Sarah Newcomb McClendon (July 8, 1910 – January 8, 2003) was a long-time White House reporter who covered presidential politics for a half-century. In Conspiracy Nation Newsletter's interview about the possible connection of events in the Tokyo subway and Oklahoma City, said that "anything could be possible".

Below is an snippet from the interview.

CONSPIRACY NATION: And what about, Debra von Trapp also, besides the "bugging" of the White House, she says, as far as the Oklahoma City bombing, that there had been some complicated plot. Are you familiar with what she had said about that?

SARAH McCLENDON: Well she called me the night before the bombing to tell me that something was going to happen. But about all that she did was, she left a message on my answering service for me to call her. And she didn't say when it was going to be (she didn't say specifically). The next day, she told the Michigan Militia that she had told me ahead of time where it was gonna be and all about it! [laughs] But she did not! I did not know ahead of time it was gonna be.

CONSPIRACY NATION: But are you familiar with what she's sayin', that this bombing in Oklahoma City was in retaliation for a sarin gas attack in Tokyo that had occurred a month previously?



SARAH McCLENDON: Yes, I'm familiar with it.

CONSPIRACY NATION: Do you give credence to it?

SARAH McCLENDON: No, I don't. But, I mean, I do not, but I know that she had some business dealings over there. And, you know, anything could be possible. Personally, I don't think it's very plausible.

Interview with Sarah McClendon, 08/30/95
First published in the October 1995 Conspiracy Nation Newsletter